From the CINDAS LLC archives comes the historically important film called The Anatomy of Data. This approximately 15 minute long video describes the need for critically evaluated data, and the process by which CINDAS at Purdue University painstakingly analyzed and synthesized data curves on thousands of materials. The importance of having data with a pedigree is explained.

CINDAS LLC is a private company formed exclusively to disseminate materials properties data collected and analyzed by the Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) at Purdue University. CINDAS LLC obtained an exclusive license from the Purdue Research Foundation to disseminate the data. Staff members include chemical, mechanical, materials, and industrial engineers, chemists, and computer scientists. The President of CINDAS LLC has been closely associated with CINDAS for more than 30 years.


CINDAS LLC has become the industry benchmark for critically evaluated materials properties data since its inception over 14 years ago. CINDAS LLC is committed to carrying on the tradition of providing reliable materials properties data, while continually improving and expanding upon its material base, and providing that data in an easily accessible and searchable electronic format.

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